“While many speakers just give us chicken soup for the soul, Julie gave us living water.” Kim Green, Uniontown Bible Church
Invite Julie to Speak at your eventHave you ever wondered what God really thinks of you? Does He view women as second-class citizens, preferring to work through men? Has your relationship with Him ever felt as much of a burden to you as it is a help?
We can learn much about how God views us by examining the conversations Jesus had with the women of His day. How He perceived them. What He wanted from them. What He offered to them. Jesus invested in women.
The women of the first century were not so different than us. They struggled with a need for significance, a need to be loved. They forged their way in this world, fulfilling their responsibilities and trying to make their lives count for something. But in the end, nothing would fill them up, make them content, or give meaning to the day-to-day struggle but a relationship with Jesus Christ.
It is what they needed most of all. So Christ set out to give it to them. And in finding that authentic relationship, one based on faith alone, each one found true peace and meaning. They found a God who loved them unconditionally, who personally invested in the details of their seemingly insignificant lives. Knowing Christ made all the difference.